Integrating FSM Software With Your Current Tech Stack

3 min read Dec 08, 2023


Field service management (FSM) software offers several advantages, such as scheduling and dispatching automation and quote building. Designed to be an all-in-one solution, FSM software accounts for the many functions of field service businesses to help them experience greater operational efficiency. 

However, companies often have an existing technology stack for streamlining different tasks. For this reason, home service contractors are advised to seek cloud-based FSM software that integrates with other tech solutions. Discover the importance of FSM software and the kinds of tech businesses you may consider integrating. 


Why You Need Field Service Management Software 

Interest in FSM software is growing. According to FinancesOnline, the global field service management market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 19.7% through 2030. What accounts for this demand? Field service businesses feature a distinct model that poses unique challenges. 

For instance, it’s rare for all employees to work in the same place, at the same time. There are field technicians serving customers at their homes and office staff handling scheduling, dispatching, and other customer service needs on-site. Without an effective management system, inefficiencies become common, reducing customer satisfaction and limiting profitability.

With the right field service management solution, contractors can avoid these challenges while growing the business. Consider the following benefits of field service management  software: 

  • Enhances scheduling and dispatching 
  • Optimizes workflows 
  • Lowers the overall costs of business operations 
  • Reduces errors with pricing and data entry 
  • Empowers better team communication and coordination 
  • Provides real-time oversight of techs’ progress 
  • Gives team members quick, easy access to customer information 
  • Augments service delivery and the customer experience

Additionally, most FSM software solutions are constructed for mobile use. Service providers will create mobile apps for field technicians to access all the same functions and information available to office staff working on desktops. 


Who Benefits from FSM Software? 

Any business that conducts field service operations should consider field service management software. Some service providers offer FSM software with the unique business needs of certain industries in mind, so business owners should thoroughly investigate their options before deciding. 

For instance, residential contractors want FSM software created for small and medium-sized field service businesses, such as plumbing, HVAC, and electrical contractors.


What FSM Software Integrations Should You Consider? 

While the benefits FSM software alone provides are invaluable for your business, you can increase its impact through integrations. The following details some of the most common integrations and why they matter.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 

CRM platforms are common in business. By combining your FSM and CRM software, you receive more accurate and complete customer data, which enables better service. This integration streamlines the coordination and communication of job details, allowing field service teams to focus more on meeting and exceeding customer expectations. Having the right information upfront also helps improve first-time fix rates, further enhancing the customer experience.


Accounting Software – QuickBooks 

Accounting software helps contractors manage cash flow, and Intuit QuickBooks is one of the most popular options. QuickBooks integration is advantageous because it enables seamless updating of invoices and estimates from FSM to accounting software. It also eliminates redundant data entry and thus reduces the possibility of errors.


Other Software Integrations 

Although CRM and QuickBooks are among the most often integrated with FSM software, other software platforms to consider include: 

  • Customer service management: Boosts the customer experience with faster responses to queries and helps prioritize jobs  
  • Human resource management: Simplifies payroll processing, reduces errors with timesheets, and promotes seamless onboarding 
  • Workforce management: Helps contractors lower overhead expenses of service delivery and manage high volumes of service calls 
  • Customer communication: Keeps customers informed about service requests with confirmations and ETA notifications and allows office staff to answer queries from within the FSM platform 
  • Messaging platform: Ensures field service teams and other stakeholders maintain a connection and share job updates, meeting details, and more in a secure cloud location

The Future of FSM Software 

New developments in technology happen every day and shape perspectives on how to conduct business. Contractors should consider the following trends to understand the kinds of software solutions that might warrant integration in the future. For example, the use of mobile devices is likely to increase as businesses seek to augment customer service. Other developments that may affect field service management include: 

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Virtual assistance 
  • Augmented reality 

For software integration, one of the most important trends is working together. It’s the idea that software, systems, and devices can interact with each other in an organized and automated way. This provides a goal for contractors to strive toward. As their tech stacks grow, they seek opportunities for integration to increase agility.


Explore Software Solutions from Sera 

From automated dispatching to data-driven financial insights, field service management software is the ideal cloud-based technology for improving efficiency in the field service industry. Residential HVAC, plumbing, and electrical contractors find field service software created to meet their specific needs from Sera. Based on four pillars that contribute to more efficient operations, our FSM software also helps build your bottom line. We offer seamless implementation, personalized and continuous onboarding support, and a pricing model that accounts for scalability.

Contact us today to discover the benefits of our field service management software and the integrations we enable. Schedule a 15-minute discovery call or inquire about a 45-minute demo.

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