4 Tips for Hiring a Home Service Business Coach

3 min read Jan 31, 2024


Whether you’re a residential plumbing or HVAC contractor, operating a home service company presents many rewards and challenges. Individuals transitioning from working for an employer to becoming entrepreneurs within the industry often need the most help, but experienced business owners may also seek guidance with achieving goals.

Business owners have several resources at their disposal to increase their entrepreneurship and leadership skills, but one of the most valuable is a home service business coach. Learn more about these professionals and how to choose a coach that helps you secure business success.


What Is a Home Service Business Coach?

A home service business coach goes beyond the role of a traditional business consultant. Their goal is to help you achieve your full potential in the home service space. Coaches assist home service business owners in the following ways:

  • Developing leadership and management skills: Build your competency as a leader to motivate your team and cultivate a positive company culture and employee experience. 
  • Enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty: Increase retention by providing an unmatched customer experience through strategies that improve communication and service.
  • Supporting business growth: Gain insight into market trends and industry gaps to identify possible growth opportunities you might miss otherwise. 
  • Streamlining day-to-day operations: Pinpoint inefficiencies with daily tasks to enhance workflows and simplify processes.
  • Offering guidance from an outside perspective: Receive feedback from a coach who understands your industry but can identify your strengths and weaknesses from an unbiased perspective.


How to Pick the Best Home Service Business Coach

Of course, not every home service business has the same concerns. If you serve primarily homeowners, your business goals and needs are distinct from those of a commercial contractor. The following tips will help you find the ideal coach for achieving your objectives:


Start By Examining Your Goals and Needs

Before exploring your options, consider what you hope to get out of business coaching. This comes from acknowledging obstacles to growth. It may be decreasing net profits, loss of productivity, or an inability to maintain a strong team.

Similarly, establish your strengths. For example, you might have innovative solutions that can set your business apart from others in the industry but aren’t sure how to market them. A coach can guide you with more effective marketing.

Determining your strengths and weaknesses is important for setting goals. Once you have these objectives, you can articulate what you want a coach to help you accomplish. You may bring these goals to an initial meeting to assess how well the coach can assist you in reaching the next level.


Understand the Defining Characteristics of a Good Coach

You may want a coach offering specific services, but there are some qualities all the best coaches possess:

  • Experience: What separates home service business coaching from a general business training program is that coaches have experience with your industry. This allows them to tailor their guidance.
  • Communication: A coach should devote their full attention to the business owner during a meeting, listening intently to provide the best guidance. 
  • Record of success: Choose a coach with a history of delivering on their promises. Read testimonials on their website and research external reviews.
  • Genuine interest: Open-mindedness and authentic concern about your business suggest that the coach is dedicated to helping you realize your goals.
  • Trust and respect: A relationship built on respect and trust forms when the coach allows you to share your concerns openly and without fear of judgment.
  • Ethics: Operating with integrity is essential for any entrepreneur but especially a coach or consultant guiding other business owners.
  • Inspirational: Effective coaches not only recommend strategies and solutions but also help you think about your company in a new way to solve challenges and make improvements yourself.
  • Compatibility: At your first meeting, think about how easy it is to communicate with the coach and how they make you feel. You’ll likely be partnering with this individual long-term, so make sure you get along.


Watch Out for Red Flags

Home service business owners should also recognize indications that a coach might not deliver on its promises. Possible red flags include:

  • Attempting to pressure you into buying more expensive products or services to get better results
  • Claiming to have accomplished more than your research into the coach suggests
  • Offering services with a guarantee of increased profit
  • Providing one-size-fits-all services instead of tailoring solutions to your company’s needs
  • Pushing you to consider strategies that conflict with your mission or values


Schedule Consultations With Several Coaches

After conducting thorough research into coaches, you should have the information you need to narrow your list to a few options. Many coaches will offer free consultations, so consider scheduling one with each of your top choices.

Be sure to bring a list of questions to make the most of the consultation. Ask about their experience and past successes and their approach. Observe how they communicate with you and take note of their personality to gauge compatibility.

Once you’ve met with each coach, compare them. In addition to the answers and overall impression you got from the consultation, consider their availability, pricing, and qualifications.


Seize Success With HVAC Business Coaching

With these tips, you’re ready to make an informed decision about home service business coaching. When investigating coaches, be sure to consider Sera.

Our contractor coaching is led by Billy Stevens, an industry veteran who has built two successful 8-figure HVAC and plumbing businesses. Billy helps residential HVAC contractors learn how to stand out against the competition, manage finances effectively, achieve optimal efficiency with operations, and motivate and retain top techs.

What’s more, Sera offers another solution to help grow your company — field service software. FSM software uses automation and other innovations to streamline core functions of field and home service businesses, such as scheduling, dispatching, invoicing, and cash flow management.

At Sera, our FSM software is built on four pillars of efficiency specific to small and medium-sized home service businesses, including residential HVAC, plumbing, and electrical contractors.

Contact us today to schedule a 15-minute discovery call and learn more about contractor coaching at Sera.  

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