What Is a Mobile Job Management App?

Companies in the field service industry or using remote workforces can benefit from a mobile workforce management (MWM) software integration. One way they can do this is by downloading a mobile job management app, which offers an accessible, centralized digital workspace for employees to communicate and track their job progress. Here, Sera, a provider of field service management (FMS) software, discusses mobile workforce management and the advantages of a mobile job management app.

What Is Mobile Workforce Management?

The mobile workforce has become increasingly popular since the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, offering opportunities for remote work and hybrid work environments. Other companies may have field service technicians who must travel to and from jobs and communicate with on-site workers. Both of these workspaces require mobile, accessible technologies.

Workers must have functioning, updated technologies to support their daily workload when working outside an office. These technologies must also be able to work from any part of the country. Because of this, many problems can arise, and companies must strategize ways to seamlessly incorporate necessary work functions that would typically take place in an office. This can include:

  • Tech support
  • Team coordination
  • File access
  • Communication between co-workers
  • Task assignment

Mobile workforce management (MWM) is the process of monitoring these functions outside of the office. Many companies use different software and tools to accomplish this. Using this type of software to complete MWM keeps information organized and easily accessible.

Mobile Workforce Management vs. Managed Mobility Services

Learn how this HVAC company gains simplicity, visibility, and growth with Sera. 

While the two terms can be used interchangeably, mobile workforce management differs slightly from managed mobility services. Managed mobility services (MMS) focus on remote work and how to connect employees to databases and servers from outside of the office. Mobile workforce management includes the tracking of field service technicians, like HVAC techs, plumbers, or electricians, as they travel to and from job sites.

This type of job management can differ from MMS because of the level of tracking needed. With remote work, management connects employees through one centralized location and often doesn’t involve as many features as MMS. MMS requires workers to get more features within a mobile workforce, such as:

  • Route calculation
  • Job details
  • Invoicing
  • Job scheduling
  • Work orders
  • Customer account records
  • Inventory management and availability
  • Completed tasks
  • Arrival/departure times

What Is Job Tracking Software?

Part of mobile workforce management involves job tracking, where employers monitor different job processes. These can include:

  • Dispatch
  • Tracking
  • Logging
  • Productivity management
  • Timesheets
  • Workflows
  • Dashboards

Companies use job-tracking software, like mobile applications, to easily track time and other processes. These technologies analyze and track real-time data as employees use them throughout the day. This provides much information about employees to a company, like the time it takes to complete a task or the different working styles of team members. In turn, companies can better understand how to cater to their employees, thus increasing the digital employee experience (DEX).

Using job management software can also automate invoice and billing processes. This is especially beneficial for field service industries. As technicians work through a job, they can provide real-time updates of the services performed and materials used. The software automatically calculates a total for customers, meaning it’ll take less time to fully complete a job. This can enhance the customer experience.

About Mobile Job Management Apps

Mobile job management apps are mobile device applications downloaded to any company-administered mobile technology. Apps are designed with accessibility in mind, making it easy for employees to access and use. As stated before, field service technicians are always on the road. Whether traveling to a job or returning from a service request, they must have efficient means to communicate and access important information.

This is where service businesses can benefit from a mobile job management app. The app can provide one user-friendly, cloud-based platform that employees use to communicate. This makes completing business processes much more convenient and ensures workers have all the information necessary to finish a job. Implementing an app also means workers can continue to be mobile, completing all tasks right from their handheld mobile devices.

Why You Should Implement Mobile Workforce Management

Many companies benefit from integrating field service management software and MWM apps into their technology strategy. MWM programs are highly customizable, allowing businesses to choose which features would be most useful for employees. They can also keep information organized and:

Provide a Better Customer Experience

MWM apps and FSM software include many efficient features, including GPS functionality to provide an accurate ETA for customers. Even this seemingly small change can greatly improve the customer experience, offering ways to show customers that you are reliable, trustworthy, and timely through client management.

In addition, as project management mobile apps can craft invoices, pricing, and other billing information, customers can receive their total cost upon job completion. They can also schedule follow-ups and other appointments through this software. Not only does this enhance business efforts, but it also improves customer relationship management (CRM) efforts.

Enhance Communication Among Co-Workers

Communication is key among co-workers in any work setting. However, this is much more challenging to undertake as a field service business. Employees in mobile workforces work from many different locations, and they lack the opportunity to communicate face-to-face. Because of this, companies must find efficient communication platforms.

An MWM app can solve this problem, offering a digital space for co-workers to speak with each other and relay essential job information. An app can also provide technology assistance if issues arise. This type of communication is imperative for employees, as they have someone to turn to and answer questions or fix issues quickly.

Track Efficiency and Productivity

Productivity is a main concern for many workplaces, as it ensures jobs are completed and customers receive what they need. However, finding an efficient means for tracking these metrics can be difficult, especially for field service industries or remote work environments. Implementing an MWM app gives you task management and time-tracking information in an easily accessible format, allowing you to see how your employees perform.

As mentioned, these management tools can also provide insight into how your employees work. It can give you information about different work styles, personas, and motivations of your workers. In turn, you can use this information to improve business practices and alter them to cater to your employees’ general work style. This helps to encourage productivity and enhance business processes.

Choose Sera for Software Solutions

Sera offers field service management software and programs to small businesses and medium-sized organizations. We use our four pillars to assist companies in improving team management practices to maximize profitability. 

To learn more about us or to inquire about integrating mobile workforce management into your current tech stack, contact us today to schedule your 15-minute discovery call. 

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