Still Using Pen and Paper? 6 Signs It’s Time for FSM Software

2 min read Feb 28, 2024


How do you know you need a tool to help your business grow?

Homeowners rely on HVAC, plumbing, and electrical pros like you to keep their homes and lives running smoothly. You’re an important part of your community. And as your community grows, so should you.

But growth sometimes comes with growing pains. Are you getting a lot more business but a little more profit? Does it seem like your competitors are growing faster than you — like you’re getting left behind? Is it hard to keep up with all the daily tasks of managing a growing business? Maybe you know it should be simpler, but you’re not sure how to take the next step.     

Shouldn’t there be a tool for this?

If you’re experiencing any of these issues, it may be time to explore technology to help you grow your home service business:


1. You're not running the business — the business is running you.

Do you feel like you can’t step away or take time off because the business relies heavily on you? Are you still working long hours in the office or in the field? The right FSM software will get your team running like a well-oiled machine – giving you more time, freedom, and peace of mind.


2. Your daily tasks are still manual.

Did you know the right software can make you money? Pen and paper, even spreadsheets, may feel like the most accurate way to get things done, but how much time is it costing you? Automating routine tasks can ensure you’re not leaving money on the table. Also look for a system that can help you prioritize high-value service calls, win more business, and set pricing to maximize your profit. 


3. You’re using multiple tech solutions that don’t work together.

If you already have software for some things (like accounting or CRM), do they talk to each other? Can you marry the data? If the data within your system isn’t reliable, you don’t have the visibility you need to make business decisions. You should be able to trust your data and get quick answers. Your FSM software should help you track the metrics that matter most to your business and where you can improve.


4. You can’t see how your business is performing.

Are your jobs efficient? Are your techs on time? Is your pricing accurate? With nowhere to review information about jobs and bids over time, you don’t have visibility into the patterns that tell you how your business is performing. All you have is a stack of papers or a hard drive full of spreadsheets.


5. Dispatching is messy and manual.

Dispatchers have one of the toughest roles in the home service industry, and making it easier should be a top priority. Can you automatically assign the right technician based on need, skill, and who’s free? Is it easy to view schedules, check the status of techs, and track all aspects of a work order? If not, it’s time for technology.


6. You're tied to the phone.

If your customers can’t book appointments online easily, you’re probably losing jobs. It’s time for FSM software that lets you easily add online booking to your website so that customers spend more time on your site, boosting SEO.

Ready to take the next step and try a simple solution for fueling growth? Check out Sera and contact us today to see if it’s a good fit for you.

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